How to Fix a Scooter That Won’t Start?

It’s sunny and pleasant weather outside; you decided to take out your Scooter for a quick stroll. But when you start the Scooter, it won’t start; what should you do now?
Scooter not starting up is a common phenomenon that we scooter lovers often face, which can be pretty irritating. Unfortunately, these kinds of scooter problems are not uncommon, and as a result, consumers pay a lot of money for maintenance services. In certain situations, the Scooter’s owner decides not to use it at all.
However, if your Scooter won’t start, the remedy is there in front of you. Of course, there are a variety of reasons behind this. Do not worry because today we will discuss everything you need to know about fixing a scooter that won’t start.
Scooter’s components
For an electric scooter to start, the following parts need to work together
- The spark plugs
- The fuel Valve
- The Battery
- The Compressor
Before we go and discuss the problems that cause Scooter not to start or fix the issues, we need to know and understand all the components of a scooter properly.
To start and then maintain the beginning response to run, the Scooter’s components must function in harmony. It’s critical to realize that your Scooter’s engine might be in two states: successful continuous combustion and off. After recoiling, your Scooter must engage the components in the correct order for it to start correctly using an electric starter upon getting the right input from you.
The engine kill switch is disabled, which removes a physical barrier to compression formation within the engine. Turning the ignition opens the fuel valve while pressing the starter button completes a circuit between the battery and the spark plug and also a circuit between the battery and the compressor.
Turn the key in the ignition, deactivate the engine stop switch, and push the starting button. This causes the Scooter’s components to respond and attempt to create a fire.
Reasons for Scooter not starting
There are various reasons why your Scooter won’t start, and before knowing how to fix them, we need to check out the reasons.
Ignition system problem – This problem happens when there’s an issue with the ignition coil or spark plug wires.
Starter problem– This occurs when there is a blown fuse or a problem with the starter motor.
Electrical issue – When there’s a problem with the wires leading to the starter or ignition, it’s called an electrical issue.
Engine problem– this is typical when a spark plug wire is damaged. Or, in certain situations, a fuel system issue.
Fuel systems problem – A fuel system issue arises when the fuel lines leak or are damaged.
How the Starting Process of a Scooter Works
When you try to start a scooter, the following things happen:
- The gasoline valve is turned on.
- Fuel is pumped into the compressor from the gas tank.
- Each of the engine’s chambers receives fuel from the compressor, which fills them.
- The starter is powered by the battery, which then powers the compressor, allowing it to begin compressing gasoline.
- The gasoline is compressed by the engine’s pistons, which are still powered by the battery.
- The gasoline explodes when the spark plug ignites.
- The gasoline explosion pulls the piston rearward.
- The force of the piston being pushed rearward drives a resistant sprocket, restoring more power to the battery than during the initial compression.
- The compressor is flooded with fuel.
- The procedure is repeated, and the engine is turned on.
How to Kick Start a Scooter
As a scooter user, you might already know how to kick start a scooter, but there are safety measures that you need to take to perfectly kick start your Scooter.
Step 1: The first step is to figure out what level you’re on. After that, you must fold the footpeg out.
Step 2: The next step is to insert the key into the ignition. After that, turn it back to the initial position.
Step 3: You must keep your kill switch turned on, or else your Scooter won’t start.
Step 4: Push the kick start peg down and squeeze the brakes. Continue doing this until the Scooter starts up, and it will.
How to Fix a Scooter with an Electric Starter
Gas-powered scooters with electric starters usually have these problems, but we will teach you how to fix them.
Spark Plug Issue
After starting the Scooter, if you see that the sputtering is too low or the bike will not start any spark, then you can have a spark plug issue. In this case, you should just replace your spark plug, as they come at a low price.
Compressor Issue
If the Scooter’s engine doesn’t start but produces noises, the gasoline isn’t compressing properly. This is because there are a lot of problems with the compressor. It’s because it’s the engine’s most important component, and it has to go through a lot.
This is the last problem you want in your Scooter as in most cases you cannot solve the compressor problems at home, and it requires a professional mechanic to fix it;
Electrical Failure
If your engine won’t start but sputters, it’s likely that your battery is dead or low. In this scenario, a fast array repair will assist in starting the Scooter.
Scooter kick Starts but Not Electric Start
You will experience this difficulty when there’s an issue with the valves. In this instance, examine the valve clearances. However, there’s a chance the battery isn’t working properly. Get a load test done just to be sure. Also, make sure to clean all of the ends properly.
Moreover, when the battery is weak, it usually doesn’t have enough power to fire up the Scooter electrically. When there’s a shady link, resistance arises. As a result, the charging mechanism and battery work harder.
The Scooter won’t Start after Sitting for a Long Time
This is a common issue that all of us have faced at least once. The Scooter won’t start when it has been sitting for few days, especially during cold weather or after sitting overnight. There is also a case when it doesn’t start during cold.
The temperature of the engine oil drops when a motorcycle is left unattended for 7 hours. It thickens the fuel and causes sediment to settle to the bottom. It’s because the temperature drops at night. Kick-starting the Scooter will make the process go more smoothly.
So, let us see how to fix the issue in quick, simple two steps
Step 1: While the ignition is turned off, give 10 to 12 gentle kicks. Make sure the kicker is completely down. This results in improved decompression and a loosening of the density of the engine oil. It ensures that oil is circulated properly.
Step 2: This time, you need to make sure that the ignition is turned on. Give a powerful kick with a slight acceleration. The Scooter should start in the first or second gear.
The Scooter Won’t Keep Running after Starting:
There are a few reasons for this problem to occur:
Clogged-up carburetor: Even a small particle of dirt can create problems in the carburetor. The process of repairing it is a bit difficult, but if you want to save money. Just disassemble and clean the carburetor.
Intake Valves: intake valve changes are required when the valves are either too loose or too tight. It causes problems.
Loose cables in the engine: tug on each one to make sure it’s not loose. If you discover a snagged cable, reattach it. It should function properly once you restart the Scooter.
Leaks in intake: Intake leaks may be quickly fixed by applying heat-resistant silicone paste on the affected area. It will protect the Scooter from additional harm and conceal the damaged area.
Moped won’t start click
In case you have a moped bike, and it won’t start clicking, then we also have the quick-fix solution for you. Let us see the common problems and solutions to them down below.
Engines seized: the engine seizes owing to issues with piston rings, pistons, and rod bearings, among other things. These heat up and begin to fuse together.
Problem with the starter: The battery provides power to the magnetization. The starter, on the other hand, is in charge of directing the function of each component. The speed will not move the wheel if the magnet that turns the flywheel by polarizing the gear is not magnetizing appropriately. Instead, it emits a clicking noise.
Dead Battery: A dead battery must have 12.2 volts to be considered charged. Your Scooter will not start if it is less than 12.2, and you will only hear a clicking sound. So, if you wish to start your motorcycle, you’ll need to charge the battery.
No Spark and Fuel in 50cc Scooter
No compression and no fuel-air mixture are the main reasons for the Scooter to have a spark in the plug gap.
When a carburetor becomes clogged with debris, there are many little places that you could overlook. Take your time and clean the tiny orifice with care. You may also use a tiny amount of starting fluid to do a check to determine the problem. While revving the engine, spray this into the intake. If there is a spark, it must be ignited for a few seconds.
The Scooter turns over without starting.
Check the spark if your Scooter turns over but does not start. Check to check whether gas is going to the engine after that. The ignition is the problem if there is no spark. The electronic ignition module will need to be replaced. It might also be the result of a defective coil or a loose wire.
Check the gas if there is a spark. If there is gas, the fuel valve must be checked. It would be best if you detached the hose from the carburetor to do this test. Fuel should run out once you start the engine. If this does not occur, the fuel valve is the source of the problem.
The Scooter won’t start when it runs out of gas.
You might have seen that your Scooter doesn’t start after you run out of gas and you refill the Scooter. But, wait up, there are few things that you can do to fix this problem with your Scooter. The first step is to check to see whether the tank needs to be refilled.
Step 1: After refilling the tank, start the engine by turning the key to the ON position and set the engine’s start/stop button to “run.”
Step 2: After you are done with step 1, then you need to run the gasoline pump until it stops. After the gasoline pump stops, make sure to press the stop button on the engine’s run/stop switch.
Step 3: Hold your breath for 10 seconds. This will reset the engine control module.
Your work isn’t done yet, after the engine control module restarts. Make sure to repeat steps 1 and 2 at least 4-5 times for your Scooter to start working smoothly and correctly.
For a scooter lover, nothing can be more irritating than the Scooter not starting. Hence, we wrote this article on how to fix a scooter that won’t start. Repairing a scooter isn’t difficult if you understand how it works. Most difficulties may be resolved after you have a thorough grasp of each component of a motorbike. Make sure to read the instructions if you want to avoid any needless expenditure and fix your Scooter at home by yourself.